- What will it hold? For you, for your family? For this church, for the country, for the world?
It all depends on our priorities, and therefore what we devote ourselves to. I visited the YWAM church plant in Camden just before Christmas (taking advantage of the break in our Breathe meetings). There I talked with one their leaders, Johanna Vargas from Argentina.
She described how their church, Hope and Anchor Community Church, is trying to establish a centre of worship in the neighbourhood. In this way, they will ignite a fire that will burn for Jesus and bring transformation to people’s lives.
Mission in London is challenging. People seem so hardened against the gospel, as they go about their busy lives. But the battle belongs to the Lord (2 Chronicles 20.18). Victory is not about us, but about him. When we celebrate and worship him, then we silence the voice of the enemy from our stronghold of praise (Psalm 8.2).
This makes what we do at KCBC in our worship times doubly important, because it is one way that God will raise up a standard against that enemy (Isaiah 59.11) who wants to steal, kill and destroy everything good in our lives and our city. In contrast, we affirm the positive intention of Christ for us, which is abundant life (John 10.10).
As we affirm the goodness of God, the utter reliability of his promises, this not only glorifies him, but as we centre ourselves on him, we too are transformed (2 Corinthians 3.18). When we worship him, we widen our view of his glory and his beauty, his intention and his plans, and praise him for these qualities and attributes.
In this way, worship, which is based on truth from his own Word, helps us to become ourselves progressively more aligned with our God, and enables us to grasp his Divine realities. Then when we know his priorities we can set our own goals according to what he wants to accomplish on the earth (1 John 5.14).
This is the secret, not so secret, of knowing what to aim for in 2018. Worship him, with our whole being (Matthew 22.37), and cooperate with him in what he wants to do through us.