The church exists by mission as a fire exists by burnings
Jesus was very clear that He came with good news for the whole world and He has given the church the task of sharing this wonderful news with all people. For us Mission includes both verbal proclamation and practical demonstration of God’s love, through words and actions.
Our Community, our city and worldwide
We support individuals and organisations doing wonderful work worldwide. From Peru to Uganda, the Middle East and many other countries. In addition we have partnerships in the USA with Hunter Street Baptist Church, Alabama and First Baptist Church Biloxi, MS.
Closer to home, we aim to go out every Thursday to Kings Cross Station and the streets around there, for what we’ve come to call Evangelism Thursday.
A few people from the church go out and talk to people offering a kind word of the gospel, a listening ear and a helping hand. It’s always a fulfilling time for those that take part, whatever point they might be with their journey in the Lord.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
- Matthew 28: 19
Event based Evangelism
We also hold a variety of events, designed to communicate the Christian faith in a contemporary and relevant way for our culture. These have included: World Stage, a multicultural music night; Tongues of Fire, a spoken word and poetry evening; and art exhibitions.
In addition, we organise Bible Studies and discussion groups for those interested in exploring the Christian faith for themselves; as well as regularly hosting the Alpha Course.
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