Young Adults
We don’t have a fixed age bracket, but we’re that group in the church who find ourselves somewhere in our 20s & 30s, and in whole range of life stages. Singles, couples, married & young parents, some of us have grown up in London while others have moved here from all part of the world for work.
We’re a real mix: from undergraduates to postgraduates, PhDs and part-time students. Some are in London for just a few months and others have been here for many years. We come from nearby universities such SOAS, UCL and Westminster as well as further out locations and local language colleges.

“I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.”
- Luke 16: 9

Rochelle Etienne leads our teen and youth ministry, which combines young people from both our English and French speaking services.
On Sundays, we have a group for primary age children, who meet during the sermon in the main service. This is led by Sue Latham, and involves a range of different people in delivering interesting and fun sessions for the kids, to help them in their own faith development.

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