Our Story & Vision
KCBC is a multi-cultural, multi-generational church, situated in the heart of London and seeking to live and proclaim the great news of Jesus to our city!
Christianity is about being in a personal and living relationship with Jesus, a relationship that transforms everything.
Praying is a big part of KCBC’s life! We regularly meet together to pray for each other, for the community and city here in London and for the wider world. We believe each and every prayer is important to God, whether it seems very big or very small! And we believe that nothing is impossible for the God that we pray to.
“...I have come that you may have life,
and have it to the full.”
- John 10: 10
Leadership Team
The King’s Cross Baptist Church has got a three tier leadership structure. This consists of Trustees, Core Leaders and Ministry Co-ordinators. They all have different responsibilities but work together to achieve the vision and the mission of the church.
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At KCBC we believe church is all about living life together. This means celebrating, sharing, learning and serving together! This may be serving others within our church community or the many people and needs that exist here in our capital.
The King’s Cross Baptist Church building is located in Central London in the bustling and well connected King’s Cross area. Enquires about long-term, short-term, full or partial rentals are welcome.
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