Sunday Services
We have two Sunday worship services: on in English at 11am and one in French at 1.30pm. We begin with a time of sung worship, followed by prayers and preaching from the Word of God
Every Thursday (term time) we meet at 7:00pm to share life together and explore what it means to live a “life in it’s fullness” as Jesus said. Believer or non-believer you are more than welcome to come and hang out
“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
- Hebrews 13: 7-8
Life Groups
During the week, we have several Life groups, which we encourage people to plug into. The groups meet on different days, at different times, to make it easier for people to join in…
We aim to reach out with the love of Christ, sharing the Good News of God’s Kingdom. For this, it is important that we do not remain locked in our building, but go out where people are.
Discipleship Programme
This is a programme of teachings, questions and reflections to help us navigate our walk in Christ. Primarily in video form, the different series touch on different challenges we face day to day.
We always have different events taking place at KCBC. Be it our Thinking @llowed series, World Stage (celebrating our diversity), seasonal events (Easter, summer, harvest, advent, Christmas, etc), and Alpha courses to name a few.
The best way to keep informed of what is happening at KCBC is to follow us on social media especially Facebook and Instagram (links at the bottom of the page). We update these frequently and you can see pictures from previous events as well.
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