Sunday 21st of July 2019 Sermon. Delivered by Spencer from Hunter Street Baptist Church. He touches on salvation and how we can understand it as we go about our daily lives.
Sunday 21st of July 2019 Sermon. Delivered by Spencer from Hunter Street Baptist Church. He touches on salvation and how we can understand it as we go about our daily lives.
Sunday 14th of July 2019 Talk. This week Pastor Steve Latham is put on the hot seat as he is asked all manner of questions causing misunderstandings and controversy in our faith today.
Sunday 7th of July 2019 Sermon. Delivered by Pastor Patience Mbakadi claiming that nothing is impossible with God. How can this be you might ask? Have a listen to find out.
Sunday 30th of June 2019 Sermon. Delivered by Allan Barbazza talking about Baptism. It is one of the cornerstones of the Christian faith but do we really understand it's full meaning?