Sacrifice – Psalm 40
Sunday 2nd of February 2020 Sermon. In this talk we hear about the importance of forgiveness in raising children in a christian home before Pastor Steve Latham gives a sermon on Sacrifice.
Talks featured on the site
Sunday 2nd of February 2020 Sermon. In this talk we hear about the importance of forgiveness in raising children in a christian home before Pastor Steve Latham gives a sermon on Sacrifice.
Sunday 26th of January 2020 Sermon. Pastor Steve Latham gives a talk on suffering of afflictions from Psalm: 88 vs 1-18 as part of the series Psalms On Mental Health. Recorded live at The King's Cross Baptist Church's morning service in London.
Sunday 19th of January 2020 Sermon. Pastor Steve Latham gives a talk on anxiety as part of the series Psalms On Mental Health.
Sunday 29th of December 2019 Sermon. Pastor Steve wraps up the year with a motivating message on sacrifice as seen in Isaiah 53.
Sunday 22th of December 2019 Sermon. Allan Barbazza our minister-in-training touches on a message from Isaiah 42 on Justice.
Sunday 15th of December 2019 Sermon. Pete Balchin talks about the hope there is in Jesus in the though-provoking sermon.